Mr. Fourie completed his degree at the Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit (RAU):

B Com Accounting – 1989. / 
B Com Honours – 1992.

Fourie and Associates (Pty) Ltd was founded by Mr. H. E. Fourie CA (SA) who completed his degree at the Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit (RAU): B Com Accounting – 1989. B Com Honours – 1992.

He went on to complete his articles with Price Waterhouse and then worked as a financial manager for a few years, before venturing into opening his own practice. 

Registered with the South African institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) (Practice numbers: 954837) as a registered auditor, Fourie and Associates (Pty) Ltd is also registered with the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) (Licence Number: 394246) Our financials are prepared using CASEWARE working papers which means this software is compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards.

We offer the various services, including, accounting, taxation, management accounting and various other related services:

  • The manufacturing industry

  • The export industry and Import industry

  • Retail

  • The service industry (including, attorneys, audit firms, debt collection agencies)

  • Body Corporates

  • Home Owners’ Associations

Our vision is to maintain the current client base by ensuring the services rendered meet the satisfaction of our current clientele, and also to expand our operations to provide our services to new business entities.


I am very happy with the service received from Fourie and Associates. They treat all their clients professionally and go the extra mile wherever they can. I will recommend them to anyone I know.ß